2018 NAIOP/CEL CRE Compensation and Benefits Report (Office/Industrial-Retail)

2018 NAIOP/CEL CRE Compensation and Benefits Report (Office/Industrial-Retail)

Compensation Reports

Is your 2019 salary and bonus package competitive? Find out with the 2018 NAIOP/CEL Commercial Real Estate Compensation and Benefits Report (Office/Industrial-Retail).

This valuable report enables commercial real estate businesses to stay current on salaries, bonuses and benefits for CRE professionals from executive to entry level positions.

The report includes:

Data is presented by:
  • Company size (based on number of employees)
  • Company type (private and public)
  • Real estate specializations (development, brokerage, asset management, acquisitions, operations and more)
  • Seven U.S. regions and up to 28 metro areas

You must be logged in to your existing user account or create a new user account in order to purchase the publication. Click on "Purchase this item" below to be directed to the login page and publications page. The Compensation Report comes in the form of a PDF document and a sortable Excel file that allows you to manipulate the data. Your purchase is available for download for seven days. Contact Kathy Jackson, jackson@naiop.org, with questions.